How to Clean 3 Parts of Your Heating System

Cool weather has arrived in Asheville, NC. As the winter season continues, it’s important to make sure your furnace or heat pump is ready for the task of heating your home. An important part of furnace and heat pump maintenance is cleaning the system. Once a month, take a few minutes to clean these three parts of your heating system.
1. Change the Air Filter
If you only have a few minutes of spare time to devote to cleaning your furnace or heat pump, use them to change the air filter. Locate the filter’s housing. Your furnace or heat pump owner’s manual will have a diagram, or you can ask a service technician during your annual heating system tune-up. Check the filter monthly, and replace it every one to three months for optimal performance, comfort, and efficiency.
2. Vacuum the Vents
With each heating cycle performed by your heat pump or furnace, some dust gets on and into the vents and duct openings. Use the brush of your vacuum cleaner to suction dust off the vents. Remove the vent covers. Wipe them with a damp, soapy microfiber cloth. Then wipe them dry with a clean cloth. Use the vacuum’s extension hose to remove dust from the vent opening.
3. Rinse the Outdoor Unit
If you have a heat pump, the outdoor unit needs a monthly rinsing for dust and dirt removal. Turn the power off to your heat pump before washing the outdoor unit. Connect your garden hose, and use a nozzle sprayer. Spray the top and sides of the outdoor unit. Disconnect the garden hose, and then restore power to the heat pump.
Not in need of furnace or heat pump maintenance today? We also offer air conditioner maintenance and heating and cooling repair, installation, and replacement. Our maintenance plans and geothermal equipment are designed with your comfort in mind. If you’re a business owner in or near Asheville, you can also turn to us for commercial HVAC services. For more information about how to clean a furnace or heat pump between professional tune-ups, reach out to us at 1st Choice Service Group Heating & Air today.